Do you recall the buzz around any of the most awaited movie of the year? The movie poster is released months before. People save the date in their calendars and the teaser keeps playing on a repeat mode over and over again. There is always one dialogue of the movie that makes you say that "I've got to definitely watch this movie!". This is also how a classy wedding must be planned.
The date of the wedding is set, all the save the date cards have been sent out almost 6 months earlier and all of the wedding preparations are going on in full swing. But something is missing? Where is the trailer which excites the guests to look forward to come and attend the wedding?
We at Miss Audio Video, create a digital wedding invitation which gives the invitee guests a sneak peak of the wedding, narrates a small love story of the couple accompanied by a favorite music track in the background. This helps to set the stage for the wedding.
We create special online wedding invitation cards, mobile wedding invitation and wedding invitation video which are apt for today’s digital age. These can be conveniently shared on any social media like Instagram, WhatsApp and Facebook . These wedding invitation videos are a great way to remind the wedding guests of the upcoming wedding ceremony in less than a minute. One can capture as well as animate those special moments from their life like the first date, their special time together, the surprise proposal dinner or the secret trips and rides.
We have sample animation videos which you can refer to build the own story of the couple. Or one can even narrate to our team and we help to convert it into a lifetime event. These videos help to give the wedding guests a personalised connect with the couple who is getting married. The wedding invitation video can be in the form of a formal invitation, a save the date invitation an invitation from the couples or even in the form of parents narrating the love story of their children who are getting married.
With everything becoming so virtual, why stay behind in the are of wedding invitations? The usage of the physical invitation card is a thing of the past. The in an increasing trend is the usage of mobile wedding invitation and wedding invitation video. People these days prefer to make use of the online wedding invitation card or the electronic wedding invitations as compared to the travel ones. Miss Audio Video even allows you to design your own wedding invitations. All possible customization are done to make the video as personalised as possible.
So what are you waiting for? Connect with Miss Audio Video today to get the best Digital Wedding Invitation to awe your guests and make sure that they attend your wedding party. Be it a mobile wedding invitation, , or an online wedding invitation card, we will make sure that you get the best.
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